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ZixiPay Merchant API Version 2

Merchant integration and payment acceptance

ZixiPay Merchant API alllows accepting crypto payments with an automated payment notification callback function. Merchant API could be integrated and utilized in all kind of use cases such as invoice payments, wallet services, e-commerce, exchange services, etc.

Merchant Settings

How to set up and activate the ZixiPay Merchant API:

API Endpoints

Merchant API Endpoints


POST /apiv2/getpaymentwallet

Get payment wallet address. This endpoint returns a new wallet address everytime it is called.


Name Type Mandatory Description
currency string YES Any of the supported currencies (USDZ, EURZ, LTC, BTC, ETH, TRX, USDC or USDT)
ref string YES A reference tag to this payment wallet (depeneding on the usage this could be an invoice number, account number, userid, username, email address or any other kind of unique reference in your platform)
uid string YES ZixiPay User ID
ts number YES Unix time
sig string YES HMAC-SHA256 signature

IMPORTANT: Calls to this endpoint with the same ref tag would return the same wallet address. This is useful when you need to have persistant wallet address for each client/account in your platform.

Response: (Example)

      "name":"Tether TRC20",   // currency name
      "code":"USDT",          // currency symbol
      "address":"TH53ejapLDKDFxxqP2RREfxCNtW26gFKeb", // wallet address
      "qr-code":"", // QR-Code of the address
      "confirm":20             // number of confirmations required
      "name":"Tether ERC20",

QR-Code: Calls to this endpoint returns a URL for the qr-code of the wallet address which could be easily used in the <img> HTML tag as its src.


POST /apiv2/createinvoice

Create a payment invoice.


Name Type Mandatory Description
amount number YES Invoice amount
currency string YES Any of the supported currencies (USDZ, EURZ, LTC, BTC, ETH, TRX, USDC or USDT)
multicurrency binary NO Can the invoice be paid by any of the supported cryptocurrencies?
0: Disabled (default). Invoice can only be paid by the invoice currency
1: Enabled. Available when the invoice currency is USDZ
validity number NO The invoice validity in minutes. 0 (default) means the invoice will be valid for 7 days
ref string YES A reference tag to this invoice (depeneding on the usage this could be an invoice number, account number, userid, username, email address or any other kind of unique reference in your platform)
uid string YES ZixiPay User ID
ts number YES Unix time
sig string YES HMAC-SHA256 signature

Calls to this endpoint returns a unique invoice_id plus the invoice URL and URL of the QR-Code of the invoice URL will returned as well.

IMPORTANT: Invoices will be cancelled automatically when the validity period is expired. Cancelled invoices will be deleted after one day.

Response: (Example)



POST /apiv2/cancelinvoice

Cancel a payment invoice.


Name Type Mandatory Description
invoice_id string YES The invoice_id of the invoice to be cancelled
uid string YES ZixiPay User ID
ts number YES Unix time
sig string YES HMAC-SHA256 signature

IMPORTANT: Cancelled invoices will be deleted after one week.

Response: (Example)

  "payload":"invoice cancelled successfully"


POST /apiv2/getinvoice

Get an invoice details.


Name Type Mandatory Description
invoice_id string YES The invoice_id of the invoice
uid string YES ZixiPay User ID
ts number YES Unix time
sig string YES HMAC-SHA256 signature

Response: (Example)

    "date":"2021-11-20 10:14:26",


POST /apiv2/listinvoices

Get all the invoices. Optional filters could be used to narrow down the search.


Name Type Mandatory Description
invoice_id string NO The invoice_id of the invoice
ref string NO Reference tag to the invoice
datefrom string NO From this issue date (YYYY-MM-DD)
dateto string NO To this issue date (YYYY-MM-DD)
currency string NO Invoice currency (USDZ, EURZ, LTC, BTC, ETH, TRX, USDC or USDT)
status string NO Invoice status (paid, pending or cancelled)
uid string YES ZixiPay User ID
ts number YES Unix time
sig string YES HMAC-SHA256 signature

Response: (Example)

        "date":"2021-11-20 10:14:26",

IPN Callback Parameters

If the IPN Callback URL is set in the Merchant settings, upon receiving funds in any of the wallet addresses generated by the getpaymentwallet endpoint or invoices created by the createinvoice endpoint, an HTTPS POST will be made to the Callback URL with the following parameters in urlencoded format.


Name Type Description
ref string reference tag to this payment wallet
invoice string receiving invoice_id if this an invoive payment, null if it is not an invoice payment.
wallet string receiving wallet address.
amount number amount of the incoming payment
fee number merchant API processing fee + the exhange fee if the auto-exchange to USDZ has been enabled.
currency string any of the supported currencies (USDZ, EURZ, LTC, BTC, ETH, TRX, USDC or USDT)
exchange* binary 0: if auto-echange to USDZ has NOT been done.
1: if auto-exchange to USDZ has been done.
xamount* number actual incoming payment amount if auto-exchange to USDZ has been done, null otherwise.
xcurrency* string actual incoming currency if auto-exchange to USDZ has been done, null otherwise.
xrate* number applied exchange rate if auto-exchange to USDZ has been done, null otherwise.
txid string blockchain txid/hash
zxid string ZixiPay transaction id
time number Transaction time (Unix time)
sig string HMAC-SHA256 signature (will be null if IPN callback hash key has not been set in the Merchant Settings)

* exchange, xamount, xcurrency and xrate are used when Automatic exchange to USDZ is activated in the Merchant Settings or this was an invoice payment with enabled multicurrency.

IMPORTANT 1: If the receiving end is behind a firewall, ZixiPay’s IP addresses and TCP port 443 needs to be permitted to pass through.

IMPORTANT 2: Callback is HTTPS only, so SSL needs to be enabled and the SSL certificate has to be valid on the receiving end.

IMPORTANT 3: Callback isn’t a real-time service, it might take a few minutes for each incoming payment callback to hit the receiving endpoint.

IMPORTANT 4: Each Callback waits a maximum of 5 seconds to receive an HTTP 200 response or it is considered failed. So the code that handles the callback on the receiving end has to be fast and quick.

IMPORTANT 5: If Callback doesn’t receive an HTTP 200 response, for whatever reason (SSL handshake validation, network problem, timeout, server error, etc), then ZixiPay will retry delivery of the IPN message up to an additional 10 times.

VERY IMPORTANT: If there was an error/technical problem during IPN callback, our system would try up to 10 times until it is done successfully and nevertheless there is a tiny chance your system receives more than one IPN callback for the same transaction. The IPN callback handler must always watch for duplicate callbacks by checking zxid (ZixiPay transaction id) or a method of your choice to avoid double deposits/credits on your side.

Sample code has been provided to simulate the call back in the samples folder